Choose Your Path of Growth and Development




Plans start as low as $25/month
The Somatic Activated Healing™ Membership is your access to an approachable, meaningful, and powerful blueprint for profound healing, radical authenticity, and abundant joy.
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Shift From Scarcity to an Abundance Mindset
(30 days)

đź’™ Revolutionize the way you view yourself and the world, and elevate yourself beyond all the sneaky ways that your scarcity mentality has nurtured destructive cycles of shame, self-hatred, fear, and greed.

đź’™ Release beliefs and mental blocks that lead to self-sabotage, tackle demanding situations from a proactive perspective, and toss your reactive, fear-based instincts to the curb. 

đź’™ After 30 days, you'll feel empowered to step out of your comfort zone and grab the limitless opportunities that life has to offer.

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Transform Your Inner Critic into a Healing Ally
(30 days)

💙 Increase self-awareness and self-compassion: learn to recognize negative self-talk and learn to respond to it with self-love and understanding.

💙 Improve emotional resilience: by learning to reframe your inner critic's negative messages into more constructive and supportive self-talk, you'll be able to better cope with challenging situations and setbacks.

💙 Build confidence and feel empowered: by transforming their inner critic into a healing ally, you'll build a stronger sense of self-worth and a greater belief in your abilities.

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21 Affirmations & Meditations to Regain Trust in Times of Uncertainty (21 days)

đź’™ Forgive yourself for your past actions, releasing shame, guilt, and self-judgment.

đź’™ Break through any blocks keeping you from embracing unfailing confidence in yourself and your abilities.

 đź’™ Heal lingering pain from the time you’ve spent in uncertainty, and shift into the mindset of trust.

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Joy and Purpose: How to Creatively Offer Your Gifts to the World (10 days)

 đź’™ Connect to your heart and find your path

đź’™ Understand and develop deeper connection to your purpose

đź’™ Find creative ways to offer your gifts to the world

đź’™ Live in alignment with your values

đź’™ Break free from stagnation into action

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Release, Recover, and Rediscover (11 days)


đź’™ Find safety in yourself

💙 Relinquish the energy of the past that is holding you back

💙 Learn the lessons your experience offers

đź’™ Practice radical acceptance, and

đź’™ Move forward in trust, ease, and love.

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A 10-meditation album of loving practices to help you…

 💙 Reconnect with your heart

 💙 Tend to its past wounds

 💙 Learn to trust its wisdom

 💙 Open yourself to love

 💙 Generate, embody, and radiate love out to the world


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Foundational Practices for

Spiritual Seekers


A 4-meditation album designed to help deepen, enrich, and expand your practice with the medicine of ancient Buddhist and spiritual traditions.

 đź’™ Breath Awareness: The Way to Freedom

 đź’™ Om, Ah, Hum: Purify Your Body, Speech, and Mind 

 đź’™ Powerful Meditative Prayer

 đź’™ Awakening the Wisdom of Your Heart


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Seeing Triggers as a Gift


In these two lovingly guided meditations, you'll learn that you no longer need to be a victim to your triggers.

It’s time to use your triggers as a healing pathway to what needs to be cared for in yourself - a pathway to wisdom.

When you tend to your triggers with care and compassion you learn, you heal, and you transform into the next version of yourself.


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Celebrate Pride and Energize Empowerment

 A 4-meditation album of empowering practices to help you…

 đź’™ Celebrate what makes you uniquely you

 đź’™ Amplify your strengths and cultivate self-love

 đź’™ Tend to your heart and be your own best ally

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Cleansing and Compassion


This album offers three powerful meditations: one for building trust in your ability to purify yourself, an ancient Buddhist practice for activating compassion, and a guest breathwork practice from the epic Millana Snow.


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Everything You Need Is Within You


This three-meditation album is a loving reminder that you are filled with potential and were born to be amazing.

Through these three gentle, guided practices, Sah will help:

 💙 illuminate your innate gifts

 💙 guide you toward rediscovering and deepening your connection with your intrinsic wisdom

 💙 tap into your strengths, authenticity, and potential, and

 💙 find trust in your essential nature

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Sunrise to Sunset: A Two-Meditation Journey

Start your day with clarity and intentionality through our morning wake-up meditation, and wind down peacefully with our relaxing nighttime meditation, guiding you towards a restful night's sleep.

 💙 Embrace each day with purpose, from sunrise to sunset.
 💙 Establish a healthful meditation routine
 💙 Open and close your day with meaning
 💙 Marry intention and attention for powerful growth


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From Suffering to Illumination  

This meditation album introduces two practices vital to the Buddhist spiritual path. One to release suffering and transform it into healing energy, and another to unlock deep inner wisdom via a transportive guided practice.

It’s time to use your triggers as a healing pathway to what needs to be cared for in yourself - a pathway to wisdom. When you tend to your triggers with care and compassion you learn, you heal, and you transform into the next version of yourself.

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The Five Pillars: Your Spiritually Sassy Starter Kit


In this 2-hour masterclass recording, Sah will help load your spiritual fanny pack with a generous handful of powerful foundational healing practices.

đź’™ Altar Creation: The importance of creating a sacred space at home and how to make it your own

 💙 Spiritual inventory On-the-Go: Learn how to refresh your intention and reset your attention anytime, anywhere  

 💙 Posture Clinic: Learn how to develop the intentionality of a Yogi, physically and mentally

 💙 Mala Meditation: learn how to use a mala to deepen your practice, and why it works
(note: you will need to supply your own mala. Don’t have one yet? Find one here.)

 💙 Vajrasattva practice: discover the power of this advanced purification technique

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6 Steps to Support Your Mental Health with Spirituality


Mental health isn’t just about the prevention and management of mental illness - it’s also the cultivation of a well-developed, heart-based personality that contributes effectively to the life of the community. In this masterclass, you'll learn...

💙 How to get out of your own way. It’s not all about you, honey!

💙 The truth about altruism: why community care is the new self-care  

💙 How to ruthlessly audit the spiritual contracts you’ve entered into

💙 “The Zoom Out” - how to gain perspective when you feel yourself spiraling

💙 The power of self-expression as a healer of trauma


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The Subtle Art of Soulful Listening


Awaken the soulful listener within and turn your presence into a present through this compassionate 5-step psycho-spiritual process with Sah D'Simone and Shannon Algeo..

💙 Learn to become a wise witness for others

đź’™ Become a source of healing, just by offering your presence

đź’™ Learn to open your heart and mind to other people's experiences

đź’™ Become part of the world's healing curriculum

💙 Turn listening into a meditative art


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Activate Your Innate Superpowers 


Join Sah D’Simone for a 2-part masterclass series focused on transformative chapters from his international best-seller, Spiritually Sassy: 8 Radical Steps to Active Your Innate Superpowers. (Get your copy HERE!)

đź’™ Take back your power

đź’™ Recognize and replace patterns of the mind that are no longer serving you

đź’™ Live in alignment with your values

đź’™ Overcome self-doubt and sabotage

đź’™ Embrace what makes you amazing

đź’™ Step into your full power

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